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Personal information

Robert E. Rutledge

Physics Department
McGill University
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building
3600 University Street
Montréal, QC
Canada   H3A 2T8
Phone : 514-398-6509
Fax : 514-398-3733
Email: rutledge@physics.mcgill.ca
Web: http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~rutledge/

Research field : My work is primarily in observational high energy astrophysics, studying the behavior of neutron stars and black holes.

List of graduate students :

Public outreach activities :

    • 2013-08-15 : Black Holes: From A to Y (in english/en anglais) (Pavillion Rutherford de Physique de McGill. 3600 rue University.

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