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Gilles Joncas

Département de physique, de génie physique et d'optique
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
Université Laval
Québec, QC
Canada   G1V 0A6
Phone : 418-656-5982
Fax : 418-656-2040
Email: joncas@phy.ulaval.ca
Office : 3640

Research field : Interstellar medium.

Description of the research project:
Gilles Joncas's work focuses on the study of each of the components of the interstellar medium (ionized, atomic and molecular gas and dust) over a wide range of wavelengths from the optical to the centimeter domains. The goal is to obtain a global (integrated) view in order to develop an evolutionary scenario for these different components and a knowledge of the physical interactions between them. More specifically, the research of Gilles Joncas and his collaborators concerns: 1) the kinematics of ionized gas, mainly with the instrument FaNTOMM at the telescope of the Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic; 2) mapping the temperature and density of this same gas with SpIOMM and FaNTOMM; 3) the kinematics (global motions and turbulence) of the high galactic neutral gas (HI) from the International Galactic Plane Survey (IGPS), using the DRAO, VLA and AT radio telescopes, as well as those obtained with the Green Bank Telescope; 4) characterization of the HI medium using statistical and topological tools; (5) the evolution of dust grains within molecular cloud formation sites and in molecular clouds with and without star formation using the James-Clerk-Maxwell Telescope, HiGAL surveys from the Herschell space telescope and the all sky survey from the Planck satellite.

List of graduate students :
Aricia Proulx (M.Sc.), Maxime Royer (Ph.D.), Jeremy Scholtys (Ph.D.)

Member of the following committees

    2006-06 : 2e vice-président de la Société Canadienne d'astronomie
    2006-01 : membre du JCMT Survey Oversight Committee
    2004-05 : Conseil de direction du télescope James Clerc Maxwell
    2004-01 : Coalition pour l'astronomie et l'astrophysique canadienne
    2002-01 : Membre permanent du Comité de gestion scientifique de l'IGPS

Recipient of the following awards:

    2010-06 to 2012-05: Président Société canadienne d'astronomie, CASCA

Public outreach activities :

    • 2008-10-12 : L'espace entre les étoiles est-il vide? Heureusement que non! Fédération des astronomes amateurs du Québec (rencontre annuelle)
    • 2008-07-05 : L'espace entre les étoiles est-il vide? Heureusement que non! Festival d'astronomie du mont Mégantic

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