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Stagiaires postdoctoraux 2012

Stephen Ng
(PhD Stanford)
Postdoc du CRAQ de 2009 à 2012
McGill University
The focus of my research has been X-ray and radio studies of pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs), with the aim of using their morphology to probe the shock interaction with the environment. Neutron stars lose most of their spin-down energy through relativistic winds. The interaction of these winds with the surrounding medium results in PWNe, of which the Crab Nebula is the best-known example. During my postgraduate and postdoctoral research, I have carried out an extensive study of the X-ray properties of PWNe related to the following topics.

Patrick Dufour
(PhD Montréal)
Postdoc du CRAQ de 2009 à 2012
Université de Montréal
Mes travaux de recherche sont principalement orientés vers l’étude de l’atmosphère des étoiles naines blanches, et ce, autant d’un point de vue théorique (calculs détaillés de modèles d’atmosphères) qu’observationnel (observations spectroscopiques et photométriques). Les naines blanches sont des résidus d’étoiles de faible masse ayant épuisé leur réserve de carburant nucléaire. Une naine blanche typique est composée d’un noyau de carbone et d’oxygène représentant plus de 99% de sa masse, entouré d’une mince couche d’hélium qui elle-même est entourée, dans environ 80% des cas, d’une autre mince couche d’hydrogène. Ces couches, bien que minces, sont optiquement opaques et régulent le taux de perte d’énergie de l’étoile (c’est-à-dire son taux de refroidissement). Afin de bien comprendre l’évolution des naines blanches, il s’avère donc essentiel de bien comprendre les propriétés physiques de ces couches superficielles. L’analyse spectroscopique de la lumière provenant de l’atmosphère de naines blanches est la principale technique utilisée afin d’obtenir de l’information sur les parties externes des naines blanches. Mes travaux sont orientés vers l’analyse d’étoiles ayant des traces d’éléments lourds (type spectral DZ et DQ) ainsi que des étoiles ayant une atmosphère de carbone.

Noel Richardson
(PhD Georgia State Univ.)
Postdoc du CRAQ depuis 2012
Université de Montréal
Throughout my research career, I have been extremely interested in the winds and circumstellar environments of massive, hot stars. These winds enrich the interstellar medium and affect the evolution of the most massive stars. A star weighing 60 M? is thought to lose at least 65% of its mass before becoming a supernova, with a majority of this mass loss occurring during the later phases of evolution. This implies that the most important mass-loss and ISM enrichment occurs before the supernova explosion at the end of their lifetime. These interests have brought me to use observations involving both interferometry and spectroscopy.

Konstantinos Gourgouliatos
(PhD Cambridge UK)
Postdoc du CRAQ depuis 2012
McGill University
My research focuses on astrophysical magnetic fields and I am particularly interested on processes that have important implications on high energy astrophysics and plasma physics. At McGill, I am a member of Prof Andrew Cumming's group. I studied Physics at the University of Patras, I received my PhD from the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof Donald Lynden-Bell and after that I was a post-doctoral research associate at Purdue University.

Esteban Silva-Villa
(PhD Utrecht Univ.)
Postdoc du CRAQ depuis 2012
Université Laval
Born in Medellín, Colombia, in 1979. In 2007 I finished my bachelor in Physics at the University of Antioquia, in Colombia, with a special mention on my thesis research. In 2007 I started my Ph.D. in Astrophysics at the Utrecht university (The Netherlands). I graduated as a Doctor in Astrophysics in september 2011. My main interest has been always focused to understand stellar populations and star clusters, and their relation with galaxy formation and evolution.

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